Mail Our Lists 2.0 Review 2022
With Mail Our Lists 2.0, Dawud is offering you the chance to send an email to 35,389 members* across 43 different websites that himself and Terry Till have painstakingly built up over the past 3 years.
All the members of the sites are interested in the MMO niche, but many of them are very interested in other niches as well. So if you are promoting a product in the health, weight loss or self development niches then you should still get a response as well.
A lot of these members are proven buyers who have purchased both upgrades and affiliate products from Terry and himself.
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Let’s be clear. THIS IS NOT SOLO AD TRAFFIC. Sending a solo ad from a solo ad provider to over 30,000 people would cost you in excess of $10,000.
But for less than $10 you can reach over 30,000 members who have double opted-in with the email addresses they have provided. So even though they may not be their primary email addresses, they are still from accounts that they access on a daily basis.
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